Our services

Chronological Framework / Timeline Summary :

We prepare concise reports of varied types of medical records. A chronological framework gives a clear picture of events by sequencing the essential medical facts in chronological order. This aids both medicos and non-medicos to have a better understanding to determine the merit and no-merit cases.

Narrative Summary :

We write medical summaries to provide a detailed report of the patient's course of medical events. Instead, narrative summaries simplify the facts, in written form, in chronological order rather than a tabulated and elaborated format. The purpose of this report assists the attorneys to figure out how it affects a case legally.

Deposition Summary :

We prepare a succinct presentation of the long deposition transcripts which are expressed in own words. We summarize them by extracting only the pertinent medical Information which helps our clients to get the essence of it without flipping through thousands of pages.

Bookmarks :

Bookmarking the medical records prevents the reviewer to scroll through the entire document. Bookmarking navigates the reader to quickly access to the desired information from the entire medical records. Bookmarks can be done in different ways:

  • Encounter type (consultations, progress notes, assessments, diagnostic studies, etc)
  • Chronological type (categorized by date order)
  • Provider type (categorized by facilities/providers)
Organizing Medical Records :

In general we receive a set of medical records either organized by their type or sometimes remain unorganized. Especially in case of voluminous records, this would help to have a quick access to information and identifies crucial missing records/duplicates by organizing them chronologically or categorized by providers. It would be much easier to understand the sequence if they are arranged in provider/date/time order.

Hyperlinking Services :

Links provided in our summary documents and spreadsheets which provides direct access to the source from where the medical information has been extracted. This helps the reviewers understand better by getting instant references.

Medical Opinion :

Opinion involves a careful and unbiased evaluation of all the claimant′s medical records to assess whether or not there has been a breach in the standard of care rendered. Our medical opinions are prepared by specialized MD′s.

Demand Settlement Letter :

A demand letter helps in negotiating the claims. It delineates all essential details with a goal to make a settlement negotiation go smooth and much faster which ultimately helps in claiming a greater compensation. Our demand letter carries a comprehensive analysis of the accident and consequent damages. It includes medical evidences (such as bills that help further describe the amount of treatment which the claimant received, lost wages, and lifestyle impairments) to set a demand for damages.

Medical Billing Summary :

Summation of all the medical billing expenses related to a particular case. Medical bills are categorized based on provider/chronological order (can be customized as per needs). A medical billing summary comprises of the date and type of treatment provided, the amount charged, payments and insurance adjustments either in a word or an excel format.

Value Add-Ons :

(Key reports, supplementary reports, auxiliary reports): We also provide many value-addition services. Each case we receive is unique. Apart from the elaborate summary, these are the auxiliary reports prepared (wherever possible) to substantiate the allegation in a dynamic way. Case-specific pointers support to determine the merits easier. Some of our add-ons are

  • Pain graphs
  • Timeline graphs
  • Medication logs
  • Provider logs
  • Pictorial representation of injuries

We offer 50% discount for the first case with free hyperlinks and medical word glossary

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